The University Hospital Zurich Foundation supports pioneering projects for healthy ageing. At Switzerland’s public DO-HEALTH event on 23 November 2018, Managing Director Corinna Adler will present the Foundation’s activities at the Schauspielhaus Zurich. DO-HEALTH is the largest age study in Europe.
To extend healthy life expectancy, the University Hospital Zurich Foundation supports for example the research of Professor Heike Bischoff-Ferrari with private donations. The director of the Clinic for Geriatrics and the Center for Age and Mobility at the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) wants to find out how healthy nutrition and an active lifestyle affect the occurence of age-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, frailty and dementia. Her vision is to slow down aging. The gerontologist wants to add as many healthy and active years to life as possible.
Support this research so that you can enjoy your life with 70+ for a long time to come. Every donation counts.
Your contact
Corinna Adler, Managing Director
University Hospital Zurich Foundation
Moussonstrasse 2
8044 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 254 55 00
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University Hospital Zurich Foundation
The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) is one of the leading hospitals in Switzerland. The University Hospital Zurich Foundation, founded in 2017, solicits donations and legacies from institutions and private individuals. Together with our supporting partners we enable innovative projects in research, teaching and treatment at the University Hospital Zurich. Our goal: Patients should be able to benefit directly from improved treatments.
More about DO-HEALTH Switzerland