The foundation

The foundation

The USZ Foundation is University Hospital Zurich’s independent charitable foundation. We work with you to promote medical innovations at USZ that directly improve people’s quality of life. Thanks to your donation, we can do even more.



Board of the foundation
Dr. Thomas Wellauer Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Monika Jänicke, PhD Vice-President

President of the Executive Board/CEO, University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. Matthias Guckenberger

Director of the Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zurich

Bernhard Jucker

Former Chairman of the Board of Directors, Rieter Holding Ltd.

Dr. Sabine Keller-Busse

President UBS Switzerland and Member of the Group Executive Board, UBS Group AG

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Leeners

Director of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, University Hospital Zurich

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Senti

Executive Director Research and Education, University Hospital Zurich

Franziska Tschudi Sauber

Delegate of Board of Directors and CEO, Weidmann Holding AG

Prof. Dr. Rolf Watter

Partner, LL.M Bär & Karrer AG

Amina Chaudri

Managing Director ad interim

Porträt Sandra Hagmann
Sandra Hagmann

Philanthropy I Foundations I Legacies

Elisabeth Hasler

Marketing | Communication

Andrea Litscher

Assistant | Events

Dr. Sandra Sulser

Philanthropy | Innovation

Anna Waldhauser

Strategic Projects

The board of the USZ Foundation is supported on a voluntary basis by Philip Gut in his capacity as board secretary.
The management office works with the support of Cornelia von Künsberg, Finance.