With the research platform “Ally Science”, the Allergy station of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Zurich wants to establish early warning systems for pollen allergy sufferers. The pilot study has now provided promising data. The University Hospital Zurich Foundation is supporting the project in the search for funding partners.
The project started in summer 2018 with an 89-day pilot. During this time, almost 8,000 people participated and entered more than 24,000 symptoms via smartphone apps. The data show that there is a correlation between the plant species specific pollen forecasts of MeteoSwiss and and the feedback from the participants. Data collected before 10am in the morning could fairly well predict overall symptom strength over the whole day – a prerequisite for the development of symptom-based early warning systems.
In 2019 “Ally Science” enters a second phase with an enhanced app and linking to technologies that measure pollen levels in real time. In order to gain new findings in allergy research, the research team continues to rely on the numerous participations of citizens.
Information and download “Ally Science” app: www.allyscience.ch
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Corinna Adler, Managing Director
University Hospital Zurich Foundation
Moussonstrasse 2
8044 Zürich
Tel. +41 43 254 55 00