Gabriela Senti appointed as new trustee

Professor Gabriela Senti has been elected as a new trustee of the USZ Foundation with effect 5 July 2021. Since 2016 she has been Executive Director of Research and Education at University Hospital Zurich. Prior to that she made a decisive contribution to Zurich’s status as a center of research, playing a key role in setting up the Clinical Trials Center at USZ. Gabriela Senti has been familiar with USZ since she began her medical studies in Zurich. After working as a resident at the Department of Dermatology she obtained specialist qualifications in dermatology and venereology, allergology and clinical immunology, and then in pharmaceutical medicine. On the Board of Trustees of the USZ Foundation she replaces USZ Chief Financial Officer Hugo Keune, who is leaving University Hospital Zurich to become director of Graubünden Cantonal Hospital.

Award-winning projectCancer test proven in practice